Network Architecture

On-Site Networks

We design and implement network infrastructure to support locally hosted resources and facilitate on-site and cross-site access. Local resources include Storage Area Networks (SAN), servers, virtualization environments, backup systems, and more. We build Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to enable multi-site connectivity (WAN) and secure access for remote workers. Our designs incorporate redundancy and failover to maximize uptime.

Data center racks representing on-site Infrastructure.

Cloud Networks

Picture of clouds representing public and private cloud computing platforms.

We engineer connections for reliable, secure access to the cloud, including dedicated network connections to public cloud providers (i.e. AWS DirectConnect, Azure ExpressRoute, Google Dedicated Interconnect).

A private cloud is an automated virtualization-based computing platform not hosted by a public cloud provider (AWS, Azure, Google, etc). We design and automate network functions for private cloud infrastructure. Our security practices include implementing network segmentation to prevent lateral spread of attacks and improve incident response.

Independent of platform, we also build software-defined networks within the cloud to support cloud-hosted resources.

Hybrid Networks

Today, most organizations use some combination of traditional and cloud infrastructure.

This allows them to benefit from the high flexibility of cloud computing while keeping costs manageable.

Glass office building reflecting cloudy sky that represents combining traditional and cloud networks into hybrid infrastructure.

What networking challenges can we help your company excel at?